Hi, I’m Emily.


I pride myself on helping women discover what makes them thrive.

Lifescrum is founded on my belief that consciously designed lifestyles bring fulfilment, purpose, high-achievement and ultimately joy.

My unique LifeScrum framework, encompasses:

  • Agile, iterative and flexible goal setting

  • Menstrual Cycle Literacy

  • Proactive Wellbeing

These three paradigms, used harmoniously together, help bring women back to their natural, cyclical ways of being.

Sound a bit, well, out there?

Maybe, you're thinking well, I already track my period, what do I need this for?

Perhaps, you've had success using traditional, linear and male-orientated productivity tools, such as, say, SMART goal setting?

Maybe, you've even been told just to 'change your mindset' to one of gratitude to help you feel fulfilled and feel that's the secret?

Let me ask you.....

Are you truly feeling fulfilled?

Perhaps, like over 80% of women, you feel that fatigue and tiredness affect your day to day?

Put simply, we're not, as women, embracing our natural hormonal cycles, which provide us with predictable ups and downs, impacting our mood, energy and cognitive ability. As Dr. Kecia Gaither (Director of Perinatal Services at NYC health) cites; "Our bodies give us a master plan for producing life - as well as organising our life".

So, why aren't we hacking into this natural resource to help us design thriving, successful and productive lifestyles, arguably, without the burnout and stress?

Another common challenge.

The majority of tools we're taught to use to support high-achievement and productivity, are in fact, based on the masculine biochemical 24-hour schedule (see Alisa Vitti) and a linear way of showing up day-today.

It's time to consider the female paradigm of productivity and success - which surprisingly, works in sync. with our natural cycles. Cue, Agile goal-setting, a flexible, reflective and iterative way of managing our goals.

Why is this important?

Because, it recognises that our goals, and focus need to change dependent on where we are in our cycle, and well, life! So, stop stressing over trying to achieve the linear set SMART goals, and the impossible measures we set for ourselves, and embrace an iterative, yet, highly achievable means of setting success. 

If you're ready to exchange the stress, imposter syndrome and burnout for fulfilment, productivity and joy, you've come to the right place.

Embrace your cycle and choose to live the LifeScrum way!