Supporting  ambitious women

to achieve even their most outrageous goals, without sacrificing their health!

One time

Discover the untapped secret that's helped hundreds of women achieve sustainable, ongoing success in business, career and life that has them achieving even their most outrageous goals with energy, passion and motivation! Achieve! is the unique 4 day mini-quest, supporting brilliant women to create their very own hormone informed strategy for achieving their goals.

✓ Action Focused & Thought Provoking Training Videos
✓ Specialised Workbooks
✓ Bonus Training Videos from Guest Experts
✓ Facebook Group Support
✓ Discounted 121 Sessions

For too long, women have been taught the wrong way to achieve “productivity” in the pursuit of success, while sacrificing our health, wealth and wellbeing in the process.

Instagram business gurus and New York Times best-sellers tell you to:

  • Think positive and 'change your mindset', but it makes you feel even more stressed and depressed and wondering what’s wrong with you.

  • Do daily ‘manifest success' meditations that involve you staring at your bedroom wall, with a million unhelpful thoughts running through your head.

  • Wake up earlier and earlier every day to pack more into the 'miracle morning' but you’re left feeling guilty about the fact, you need more sleep because you’re completely exhausted

The fact, is, frankly, we’re not biologically designed to show up, day in, day out, with the same level of productivity, motivation, mood and overall consistency. Unlike the 24 hour testosterone cycle, as women, we work to an ‘infradian’ rhythm’, that’s a biological clock that lasts longer than 24 hours (our second clock, as we refer to it!). This means that the way we define our activities, manage our wellbeing and create business/career strategies should be more cyclical, or, aligned to our unique hormonal patterns ( our hormonal blueprint)- that’s whether you’re menstruating (have a cycle), are perimenopausal, post-menopause or a non-menstruating woman.

Are you ready to rally against the status quo, industry standards of daily ‘consistency’ and instead, embrace your unique, cyclical hormonal blueprint for sustained success?

Like many of us, you’ve been sold the ‘productivity myth’, the myth that makes us believe that somehow, it’s our mindset, our organisation, our ‘imposter syndrome’, our personalities or even external factors that block us from accomplishing our goals.

LifeScrum : Achieve!
One time

Fed up of sacrificing your health and wellbeing in the pursuit of goals?

There is a better way….

That involves no complex rituals, 'to do' lists, or cliquey groups because no busy professional woman can afford to waste her time doing unproductive “stuff”.

Instead you’ll receive focused training and experience rapid transformation through short bitesize videos, awe-inspiring guest experts and email based activities that help you learn all the important things you need, without any pointless filler content or time-zapping fluff.

Achieve! is the 4 day mini-quest for brilliant women who want to create sustainable success in business, career and lifestyle whilst feeling motivated, energetic and, healthy!

By the end of the 4 days, you’ll have created your unique, hormone-informed plan that’ll leverage the strengths of your hormonal patterns ( whether you currently have a cycle, are perimenopausal, post-menopausal or a non-menstruating woman) for ultimate productivity and accomplishment.

So, Brilliant Woman. Let me ask you, are you ready to show-up in your business, career or life with sustained energy, fitness, motivation and achievement in mind?

✓ Action Focused & Thought Provoking Training Videos
✓ Specialised Workbooks
✓ Bonus Training Videos from Guest Experts
✓ Facebook Group Support
✓ Discounted 121 Sessions
  • I didn't just learn how to use my hormone patterns to absolutely boss my goals, I alleviated PMS, learned how to rest and actually started enjoying getting up of a morning!


  • I have loved working with the Agile goal setting part of the LifeScrum framework- creating emotional attachment to my goals allowed me to ruthlessly prioritise, whilst shifting from the daily grind of the to do list, to energy focused productivity. I have loved all of it and can't wait for the full course to start!


  • This is absolutely ground-breaking stuff.


But who am I, and why should you trust me?

I'm Emily, founder of the LifeScrum framework, helping ambitious women find fulfilment, purpose and achievement, so that they can lead awe-inspiring, powerful and sustainably successful lives.

As a qualified menstrual health & hormone coach and female leadership specialist, I've supported over 100 professional women to harness the power of their natural physiology and strategise their time, goals and wellbeing to realise their highest potential and I want that for you, too!

But it's more than the qualification. My experience working on high-profile transformation programmes for FTSE 250 companies brought with it lived, real experience of burnout, stress and overwhelm, caused by (despite being outwardly successful) a continued focus on linear, male-orientated productivity techniques which didn't work with my natural physiology, or energy. Cue, many months off-work in my early 30's, with no real diagnosis.

This experience inspired me to begin deep research into the links between hormone health, productivity, achievement-focus and overall mental health to ditch what I call “toxic linear productivity” and embrace a method of 'cyclical living'.

After applying everything I’d learnt on my return to work, the results spoke for themselves:

  • A promotion within 8 weeks

  • Alleviation of over 60k debt within 6 months and most importantly…

  • A renewed joie de vivre that eventually led to…

The foundation of LifeScrum.


  • Absolutely not. All women, regardless of their reproductive stage in life have hormones that impact their wellbeing, motivation, energy and ultimately, ability to fufill their goals.

    Whether you have a cycle, are perimenopausal, post-menopausal or otherwise non-menstruating, you can embrace a more cyclical way of living for sustained success.

    Simply pick your Achieve! pathway- Menstruators, perimenopause or post-menopause non-menstruators.

  • Honestly, it helps. But, we’ll cover how you can begin tracking, even if you don’t know who you last had your period. If your perimenopausal, we’ll cover how to recognise common patterns with your symptoms and, if you’re post-menopausal or on-menstrating, you’ll learn how to track the Lunar Cycle to live and work more cyclically.

  • Alongside lifetime access to the course, you’ll also be invited to join the exclusive Achieve! Facebook group where you’ll have support from the rest of your ‘scrum’ ( that’s the other brilliant women around you!). Here, you can expect bonus pop-up lives, monthly ‘hot trends’ where I’ll cover off any common topics and, get in touch via posts and comments for specific help.

    Specific, individual support is available via my signature programme, Thrive! or, by booking a discounted 121 session with me ( maximum of 2 discounted sessions when you sign up to Achieve!)

  • I’m a qualified Menstrual Health practitioner, with IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine), with an MSC in Human Resources (specialising in female leadership), Organisational Transformation and Agile practitioner and, qualified Teacher (PGCE).

    I’ve crafted and developed LifeScrum based on years of practical and academic experience working with women I a range of business and organisational contexts.

  • Once you sign up, you’ll be asked to create a password, before being taken to the cart. Once you’ve paid, you’ll gain immediate access to the course, which will include links to sign up for the Facebook group.